Top 10k strings from TDL (1988)(The Dark Lords).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 ~wpjd^YTOKGC?;852/,*'%#! 1 x2fd{2gdz2hd 1 W P Q R S T U V W@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W`P`Q`R`S`T`U`V`W 1 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O 1 Machine Code 1 G @ A B C D E F G@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G`@`A`B`C`D`E`F`G 1 EDITOR ASSEMBLER 1 ;"VERSION 2.1 (48K)"; 1 2sg*qg#"qg> 1 1984. PICTURESQUE" 1 The Dark Lord 1 That's all today, 1 Okay, read it again. 1 Look out for stuff cracked by The Dark Lord. Games like ATF, Cybernoid, PHM Pegasus, Dan Dare II, Arkanoid II, Slaine, Tetris, Action Force II, Roadwars, Sidewalk, etc 1 Hello there in the world. Now it's time for a new Intro on your mystical old Speccy written by Dr. V for The Dark Lord in 1988. Graphics by one member of Phoenix. ... Press '1' for VECTRONSOUND or '2' for SIDEWIZSOUND and hit 'SPACE' to return. 1 Greeting to all groups I know... Dr. V writes Intros for 50 DM or more or for a lot of the newest hot stuff for the Speccy... If you will contact him read the ASM Nr. 9 / 1988. You will read there 'Spelly' instead of 'Speccy'. Dr. V hopes to hear from you